News Community Activities

Design an Easter Egg

On the 13th March all children at Belmont Primary School were given a template provided by W Storey and asked to design their own Easter Egg.  

On the 24th March Funeral Arranger Francesca Capaldi collected all of the drawings from the school. 

She said: “I was blown away with just how many entries we had from all of the classes, close to 200.  Our Funeral Service Operatives and Funeral Home Manager picked a winner from each class (total of 16 classes) and the winners received an Easter Egg.

We also picked an overall grand prize winner from the whole school who received the biggest easter Egg we could find!!”

We were all astounded at how creative the children had been and how detailed their eggs were. We struggled to pick winners as the talent within the school, art wise, is amazing.  We want to say thank you to the children for all of their hard work and effort so I devised a certificate that every child received for simply taking part – I couldn’t let their hard work go unnoticed.”

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